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I'm Gennie.
This is Stairfare.

stair - noun: a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another 


fare - noun: the price charged to transport a person


Up until college I have felt like my life was a set of stair cases... Finish elementary school? Great, on to Middle School... etc. Once I graduated from college in May of 2021 I realized I knew very little about who I was and what I truly valued. The price or "fare" of climbing these staircases of life was when I was done with the journey, I didn't know where to go. I felt lost even though I grew up being taught that school was the way to find yourself. 


I started this blog as a way to find myself, and remember my journey along the way. If people can relate to what I am going through that is an added bonus. WELCOME to my life. :) 



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